Results for 'Joannes Amos Comenius'

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  1.  66
    Joannes amos Comenius: Orbis Sensualium Pictus. Facsimile of the Third London Edition, 1672, with an Introduction by James Bowen. Pp. x+42+319. Sydney: University Press , 1967. Cloth, 56s. [REVIEW]P. G. Walsh - 1969 - The Classical Review 19 (2):248-248.
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    John Amos Comenius on Education: With an Introduction by Jean Piaget. --.Johann Amos Comenius & Jean Piaget - 1957 - Teachers College Press.
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    Jan Amos Komenský ve světle svých spisů.Johann Amos Comenius - 1941 - V Praze,: Družstvení práce. Edited by Josef Hendrich.
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    The "Orbis Pictus" of John Amos Comenius.A. C. F. Beales, C. W. Bardeen & John Amos Comenius - 1970 - British Journal of Educational Studies 18 (1):108.
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    Comenius élő pedagógiai öröksége: szemelvénygyűjtemény.Johann Amos Comenius - 2003 - Sárospatak: Magyar Comenius Társaság. Edited by József Ködöböcz.
  6. The way of light.Johann Amos Comenius - 1938 - London,: Hodder & Stoughton. Edited by Ernest Trafford Campagnac.
  7. Didaktika česká =.Johann Amos Comenius - 1970 - Pragae: Pragopress. Edited by Stanislav Králík.
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    Předehra pansofie.Johann Amos Comenius - 2010 - Praha: Academia. Edited by Markéta Klosová & Johann Amos Comenius.
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  9. Dva spisy vs̆evĕdné.Johann Amos Comenius - 1951 - Praha,: Ceská akademie vĕd a umĕní ve Státním nakl. uc̆ebnic. Edited by George Henry Turnbull.
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  10.  4
    Obecná porada o nápravě věcí lidských.Johann Amos Comenius - 1992 - Praha: Svoboda.
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    Analecta Comeniana.Johann Amos Comenius & Jan Kvačala (eds.) - 1909 - Iurievi: Typis Mattiesenianis.
  12.  18
    The Angel of Peace.John Amos Comenius - 1946 - Philosophical Review 55:492.
  13. Vindicatio famae et conscientiae =.Johann Amos Comenius - 1994 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag. Edited by Jürgen Beer.
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  14.  6
    Finspongský rukopis Jana Amose Komenského: de rerum humanarum emendatione consultatio catholica ad genus humanum ante alios vero ad eruditos Europae: dosud neznámý anonymní rukopis Komenského předmluvy Europae lumina a Dedikace třem královstvím nalezený ve švédském Norrköpingu.Johann Amos Comenius - 2000 - Brno: L. Marek. Edited by Blanka Karlsson.
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    Die Erneuerung der Schulen.Johann Amos Comenius - 1967 - Bochum,: Kamp. Edited by Klaus Schaller.
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    Cesta světla.Johann Amos Comenius - 1920 - V Praze,: A. Svoboda. Edited by Jaromír Kopecký.
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    Panaugia Nachdruck der Auagabe von 1660 mit einer Einleitung von Dmitrij Tschizewskij.Johann Amos Comenius & Dmitrij Tschižewskij - 1970 - W. Frank.
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  18. Theatrum universitatis rerum.Johann Amos Comenius - 1897 - V Praze,: Nákl. České akademie císaře Františka Josefa pro vědy, slovesnost a umění.
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  19. Janua linguae latinae reserata aurea: Leutschoviae, 1643.Johann Amos Comenius - 1643 - Budapest: Országos Széchényi Könyvtár. Edited by István Käfer, Marcell Pilecky & Bernadett Varga.
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  20. Cesta světla.Johann Amos Comenius - 1992 - Praha: Mladá fronta. Edited by Jaromír Kopecký.
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  21. Dílo Jana Amose Komenského.Johann Amos Comenius & Antonín Skarka - 1969 - Praha: Academia, t. Mír 1. Edited by Antonín Škarka.
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  22. Pages choisies.Jean Amos Comenius & Jean Piaget - 1958 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 13 (2):211-211.
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  23.  7
    Die Pädagogik der "Mahnrufe des Elias": d. Lebenswerk d. J. A. Comenius zwischen Politik u. Pädagogik.Klaus Schaller, Regine Masthoff & Johann Amos Comenius - 1978 - Kastellaun/Hunsrück: Henn. Edited by Regine Masthoff & Johann Amos Comenius.
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    Jan Amos Comenius and Francis Bacon: Two Early Modern Paths to the Restoration of Knowledge [Jan amos komenský a francis bacon. dve rane novoveké cesty k obnove vedení].J. Čížek - 2017 - Acta Comeniana 31:9-22.
    Since the very beginning of modern Comenius studies there have been attempts to examine the relationship of the Czech philosopher, theologian, and educational reformer Jan Amos Comenius to the English philosopher and statesman Francis Bacon. A study dealing with the efforts of both philosophers to reform philosophy is, nevertheless, still lacking. The aim of this paper is, therefore, to introduce Comenius’s relationship to the work of Francis Bacon in this regard. In the first part, the author (...)
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  25.  6
    Jan Amos Comenius 1592-1992: theologische und pädagogische Deutungen.Klaus Gossmann & Christoph Th Scheilke (eds.) - 1992 - Gütersloh: Gutersloher Verlagshaus.
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    Amos Comenius: Philosoph u. Pädagoge d. Arabismus.Norbert Glas - 1976 - Stuttgart: Mellinger.
  27. John Amos Comenius and his Philosophy of Man.Jan Cizek - 2018 - Bruniana and Campanelliana 1 (24):155-163.
    The paper is concerned with Comenius’ philosophical view of man. In Comenius’ late writings, man is presented as a being determined by its own unique nature, at the core of which lies an existential openness founded on a free and limitless will. Comenius defines man as a being that creates itself endlessly and in infinite ways and presents a well-thought out argument to the effect that the defining feature of man is the God-given mind, conceived of as (...)
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  28.  34
    John Amos Comenius, That Incomparable MoravianMatthew Spinka.Dorothy Stimson - 1944 - Isis 35 (1):35-35.
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    The Pansophia of Jan Amos Comenius with regard to his concept of nature.Jan Čížek - 2014 - Acta Comeniana 28:51-93.
    This study deals with the concept of natura as it is presented in Comenius’s Pansophia. Since Comenius’s concept of nature is inseparable from his anthropological views, the paper discusses also his anthropology. Man is considered here an integral part of the material world which, however, through his immortal mind and its three infinite components surpasses the material world and rises above it. Man, especially in his limitlessness and freedom of human will, resembles God. The human individual thus becomes (...)
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  30.  9
    Johann Amos Comenius und die pädagogischen Hoffnungen der Gegenwart: Grundzüge einer mentalitätsgeschichtlichen Neuinterpretation seines Werkes.Andreas Lischewski (ed.) - 2010 - Amsterdam: Brill Rodopi.
    Insofern Erziehung auf die Zukunft gerichtet ist, bedarf sie der Hoffnung. Und wer nicht hofft, kann auch nicht erziehen. Doch die nicht selten euphorisch zu nennende Erwartung, dass man von einer wissenschaftlich begründeten Erziehung auch eine entscheidende Weltverbesserung erhoffen könne, dürfte wesentlich eine Erfindung der anhebenden Neuzeit gewesen sein. Die übliche pädagogische Ideengeschichte sieht in Comenius zumeist einen vormodernen Gegenpol zum technisch-zivilisatorischen Denken der Neuzeit - und übersah damit notwendig wesentliche Kontinuitäten. Denn es war Comenius, der mit seiner (...)
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  31.  39
    The intellectual-theological leadership of John Amos Comenius.Justin L. Glenn - 2018 - Perichoresis 16 (3):45-61.
    John Amos Comenius was a revolutionary leader in both the church and the academy in 17th century Europe. Born and raised in Moravia and firmly grounded in the doctrine of the United Church of the Brethren, Comenius rose from obscurity in what is now the Czech Republic to become recognized around Europe and beyond as an innovative and transformational leader. He contributed to efforts such as advocating for universal education, authoring classroom textbooks, shepherding local churches and his (...)
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  32. Johann Amos Comenius und die Hohe Schule Herborn.Gerhard Menk - 1989 - Acta Comeniana 8:41-60.
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  33.  19
    Peter Chelčický und Johann Amos Comenius: vom Gedanken der Gewaltfreiheit zum Konzept einer universalen Toleranz.Jan Cizek - 2015 - Acta Comeniana 29:41-60.
    Our aim in this study is to examine the attitude to violence expressed in the works of two leading figures in the history of Czech philosophical thought. Several scholars in the field of Comeniology have expressed the belief that not only clear parallels but also direct continuity can be traced between the views of Petr Chelčický and those of Jan Amos Comenius. To make a proper judgement as to whether Comenius and Chelčický shared identical attitudes to the (...)
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  34. Johann Amos Comenius, 1592-1670: Bestandsverzeichnis, Auswahl.Christa Förster - 1991 - Berlin: Pädagogische Zentralbibliothek.
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    Two Pansophical WorksJohn Amos Comenius G. H. Turnbull.Karel Hujer - 1953 - Isis 44 (1/2):66-68.
  36. The Importance of Analogy in the Work of John Amos Comenius.Jan Cizek - 2016 - Archivio Di Filosofia 3 (84):177-185.
    The study aims to analyze the importance of analogy in the writings of the Czech theologian, philosopher and educational reformer John Amos Comenius. Analogy is clearly invaluable for Comenius as it plays a key role in the introduction of a third, particularly reliable method – syncrisis that allows us to see an image of something invisible (uncreated) on visible (created) things. For Comenius, this method became an integral supplement to analysis and synthesis, with all three forming (...)
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  37.  11
    Introduction to John Amos Comenius's The Angel of Peace.Matthew Spinka - 1946 - Philosophical Review 55:492.
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    Johann Amos Comenius und das Colloquium Charitativum von Thorn 1645: Ein Beitrag zum Ökumenismus = Comenius and the Colloquium Charitativum in Thorn 1645: a contribution to Ecumenism.Manfred Richter - 2013 - Siedlce: Instytut Neofilologii i Badań Interdyscyplinarnych Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny. Edited by Roman Mnich.
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  39. The Concept of Panaugia according to Francesco Patrizi and John Amos Comenius.Jan Cizek - 2016 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 61:153-164.
    The paper deals with the question of the relation between Francesco Patrizi and John Amos Comenius, especially in the regard to the metaphysics of light and its concept panaugia. It is without doubt that Comenius adopted the basic principles of his conception of the metaphysics of light from Patrizi. The light is crucial not only for the metaphysics of both authors; it also figures as a central part of their epistemological conceptions, which are de facto identical. Although (...)
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  40.  7
    "Omnia sponte fluant - ": Johann Amos Comenius über Selbsttätigkeit und Freiwilligkeit: eine Provokation.Andreas Lischewski - 2010 - Dettelbach: J.H. Röll.
  41. Jean Amos Comenius: Pages choisies. [REVIEW]D. Christoff - 1958 - Studia Philosophica 18:232.
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  42. Johann Amos comenius: Antisozinianische schriften. Teil 1-3 (= schriften zur triadik und ontodynamik 25). Deutsche erstübersetzung. Kommentiert und hrsg. V. Erwin Schadel. In zusammenarbeit mit Jürgen beer, Horst bulitta, Regine froschauer, Otto schönberger. [REVIEW]Konrad Moll - 2008 - Studia Leibnitiana 40 (1):114.
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  43.  27
    Opera Didactica OmniaJoannes Amos Comenius.Otakar Odlozilik - 1960 - Isis 51 (2):239-241.
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    ed. John Amos Comenius's The Angel of Peace.W. Morison - 1946 - Philosophical Review 55:492.
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  45.  54
    Freemasonry, Johan Amos Comenius and Joh. Val Andreae.Jb Zeijlemaker - 1967 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 19 (1):65-73.
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    Die Naturphilosophie des Johann Amos Comenius.Jaromír Červenka - 1970 - Praha,: Academia, t. [ST.5].
    Solidní sondáž přírodní filosofie J.A. Komenského zprvu vyznačuje duchovní situaci doby a vlivy, jejichž působením vznikala soustava českého učence. Po dvou exkursech, věnovaných mozaické fyzice a hermetické filosofii.
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  47. Matthew Spinka, John Amos comenius. That incomparable moravian. [REVIEW]C. J. Wright - 1944 - Hibbert Journal 43:82.
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  48.  24
    The Conception of Man in the Works of John Amos Comenius.Jan Čížek - 2016 - Frankfurt nad Mohanem, Německo: Peter Lang.
    This book maps the entire development of Comenius’s considerations on man, from his earliest writings to his philosophical masterwork. Although this book primarily offers an analysis and description of the conception of man in Comenius’s work, it may also serve the reader as a more general introduction to his philosophical conception. The author shows that, in spite of the fact that Comenius has received no small amount of academic attention, funded studies or monographs in English language remain (...)
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  49.  10
    Gewalt sei ferne den Dingen!: contemporary perspectives on the works of John Amos Comenius.Wouter Goris, Meinert A. Meyer & Vladimír Urbánek (eds.) - 2016 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Comenius (1592 - 1670) war ein großer Europäer, ein kreativer Metaphysiker und überzeugter, aber nicht indoktrinierender Theologe, ein Pädagoge, der zugleich ein begnadeter Praktiker war, ein Politiktheoretiker, ein Literat und Linguist auf hohem Niveau. Der Wunsch, Gewalt von den Dingen fernzuhalten, stammt von ihm. Er wird verständlich, wenn man sich klar macht, dass Comenius „pansophisch“ (allumfassend) gedacht hat: Die Gewalt gegen die Dinge spiegelt die Gewalt gegen die Menschen, und beides muss aufhören. Die vorliegende Publikation zeigt eine fremde (...)
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  50. Erwin Schadel (Hrsg.): Johann Amos Comenius Vordenker eines kreativen Friedens (= Schriften zur Triadik und Ontodynamik 24), Frankfurt/Main ua 2005, 610 S. [REVIEW]Andreas Lischewski - 2005 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 31 (1).
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